Emotes lets you browse through millions of emotes and copy the raw GIF or image directly to your clipboard. It's time to enhance your messaging experience with EMOTES! Works on iMessage, Discord, Slack and much more.

FFZ Emotes

FrankerFaceZ is a Twitch extension that lets any broadcaster add custom emotes to their channel. Emotes allows your to use those emotes outside of Twitch.

BTTV Emotes

BTTV, also known as BetterTTV, is a third-party browser extension that allows viewers to use emotes and animated spots in Twitch chat. Emotes allows your to use those emotes outside of Twitch.

7TV Emotes

7TV is an emerging third-party service that enhances the Twitch viewing experience with a wide range of additional emotes and features. It allows users to access and use a diverse collection of custom emotes.

GIF Support

Get access to hundreds of thousands of GIFS from thousands of twitch channels.


Make emotes your own with custom App Icons, UX and even views. You can select what formats are prioritized, how many emotes are loaded at once and more.

Keyboard Extension

Use the keyboard extension to quickly search for emotes and copy them to your clipboard and paste them anywhere.